Yirui Fang: “Inspired poetically, we need to project what we perceive through various media into the public’s field of view. Different ideas, I believe, will find suitable ways of expression.”


Di Marco Crispano

How and why did you start your artistic career?


My entry into the art career was a transition from passivity to initiative. In the strict educational system of China, choosing art undoubtedly offered a shortcut. After successfully enrolling in the art academy, the process of exploring creative techniques and delving into methodological research was not particularly filled with surprises; on the contrary, it was somewhat dull. I don’t consider art as something one must do; rather, it is a way of life, an attitude. With continuous exploration of art history, I increasingly discover that art itself, as a significant medium, is connecting various relationships in the world. Undoubtedly, I see a rather grand utopia, where one can find the basis and possibilities for everything. Moreover, in the current social development and the continuous expansion of the art world, we are not only exploring within vertical domains but can also use art as a platform to connect with other ideologies. This depends on the possibilities of interdisciplinary approaches, which is something I eagerly anticipate and find delightful.


How did you discover your medium and why did you choose it?


I have never ceased to explore different media and modes of creation—installations, visuals, performance, painting, land art, and more. Depending on the appropriateness of the moment, I choose the medium that best suits my ideas and continually explore the possibilities of creation within it, engaging in vertical research. This depends on the subjects I study and the way I perceive the world.


Can you talk about your creative process? How does your work come about? How long does it take? When do you know it is finished?


My approach to creation is diverse, but it is grounded in theoretical support. In my conception, artists play the role of illuminators. Inspired poetically, we need to project what we perceive through various media into the public’s field of view. Different ideas, I believe, will find suitable ways of expression. This is the foremost consideration in my creative process. Its conclusion marks the beginning of a new life. I do not wish to impose rigid explanations on my works, as this would deprive the audience of their own experiences. The audience’s perception also breathes new life into the artwork.


Who are your favorite artists? Which ones are you inspired by?


My favorite artists are Anselm Kiefer. He has had a profound spiritual influence on me. Although I don’t have a specific favorite work, his transformation of poetics and deep exploration of history are aspects that I greatly admire.


Name: Yirui Fang
Profession: Painter