
Giacomo Guidi, classical high school, a degree in Cultural Heritage at LUMSA has sixteen years of activity in the world of contemporary art to his credit, boasting collaborations with internationally renowned artists such as Jannis Kounellis, Giulio Paolini, Robert Berry, Maurizio Mochetti, Gianni Piacentino. To date, thirty-five books have been published, about ninety exhibition projects in private spaces, and twelve institutional exhibitions designed, produced, and curated by Guidi, including Viceversa at the Venice Biennale in 2014, and those in collaboration with the MACRO of Rome, and many of which were later exported abroad.

Founder and artistic director of the Contemporary Cluster space in the historic Palazzo Cavallerini Lazzaroni where contemporaneity and interdisciplinarity merge, generating an unparalleled flow of dialogue between different sectors and arts. Creative forge in the heart of Rome, Contemporary Cluster dedicates its business to the contamination between disciplines, overcoming the traditional canons of art and moving towards an idea of ​​total contemporaneity. Exchange and constant research have led the Gallery to obtain recognition as the best hybrid space in Italy 2019 by Artribune. Here, exhibitions and multifaceted events alternate giving life to a space that hosts the contemporary in all its forms, benefits from its art, and offers its benefits to its public.