Candy Bassas: “Each painting finishes in a different way, sometimes it needs some weeks or months to rest and to know where to step next, or sometimes it is very clear how to finish.”


Di Marco Crispano

How and why did you start your artistic career?


I graduated in Illustration and Graphic Design in late 2016, started to paint afterwards and later on I decided it was time to apply for Berlin University of Arts. I am still studying there until next year. Aside from studying I believe, it is very important as an artist, to not only rely on these institutions and build yourself an independent career from the beginning.


How did you discover your medium and why did you choose it?


When I started University in Berlin I tried oil painting and I stuck with it until now.


Can you talk about your creative process? How does your work come about? How long does it take to create a work? When do you know it is finished?


My creative process varies wether I have many things happening or not. In the times I am pretty busy I lock myself in the studio every day and work from morning to evening. Sometimes it is good to intensify such practice. If I am not so busy, I take my creative process a bit slower and always refresh my technique taking drawing, printing or painting classes to bring in new ideas and practices.
The chosen work was produced on one of my busiest times earlier this year. I focused on to convey uncertanty as individuals in our modern times.
On a big scale painting it takes me around a week to complete. Each painting finishes in a different way, sometimes it needs some weeks or months to rest and to know where to step next, or sometimes it is very clear how to finish. I believe one work is finished when I don’t see the point on keeping working on it anymore.


Who are your favorite artists? Which ones are you inspired by?


I am very fond of the expressionists and symoblists. Also on modern times find Peter Doig and all this current very interesting. Film and symoblism it is also a great interest that gives me a lot of ideas for my painting practice.


Name: Candy Bassas
Residence: Berlin